MG 0092 Cycling JS 2000w
MG 0092 Cycling JS 2000w

Trip Ideas

Looking for some inspiration? Let us help you discover your new favorite thing to do, eat, or see.


You don’t need to worry about planning your trip. We have done the research for you and created some sample itineraries. Just pick one that suits your preferences and enjoy the adventure.

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Tour Routes & Trails

Explore Tualatin Valley with these suggestions that guide you through different routes and trails. Whether you are looking for wines, ales, or nature, you can find your ideal destination by walking, driving, biking, or kayaking.

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Get a Local’s View on Visiting Tualatin Valley

red barn with quilt tile
sunset through trees on the edge of the forest
pair of women canoeing down the tualatin river
two bicyclists travel the tualatin valley scenic bikeway
Tualatin Valley Scenic Bikeway 2438
A field of clover and a barn in the background
See Harvey the Rabbit, a roadside attraction in Aloha, Oregon in the Tualatin Valley
Hagg Lake Fishing hero
ice cream 1601932 1280